How to Prep Teenagers for Life — A Future Letter to my Son

Tanu Sharma
3 min readMar 6, 2021
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My Dearest,

Today you turned 16 I’m sure your journey must have been a roller coaster ride over these years. Most of the time, you might have felt like giving up and dragged yourself to complete tasks you didn’t like while enjoying a lot of other experiences on the way. You have come so far, but your journey has only just begun. Your life will be at full blast from now on. I am confident that you will thoroughly enjoy it and conquer any obstacles that life throws at you because you are smart.

Everyone has their own set of struggles and trust me when I say this, there is not a single person on earth whose life is a bed of roses. Try following the below points they will help you sail smoothly.

Think of life as your favourite video game.

1. Each level will feel difficult until you clear it and it will teach you a new move. You can use those moves to conquer other levels. After winning each level, you will become a lot wiser.

2. Every challenge is thrown at you to teach you something. Challenges are a correction course. They force you to evaluate your current path. They help you unlearn and learn a few things and then launch you on the right path once you are ready.

3. Whenever you feel like surrendering, remember this is not the end. You will emerge better and braver after you overcome challenges. This is going to be the sweetest reward life will give you.

4. You are going to be a hero and without going through tests and trials, nobody becomes a hero.

5. In each game, a strong mind and a brave heart will be your lifelines. Life is tough and so are you. Give your one hundred percent to everything you struggle with, and success will be yours.

I learned most life lessons on my own. It wasn’t easy. Every storm made me struggle and fight. And oh boy! I wept. In the end, I came out stronger. As I walked out of each storm, I wasn’t the same person as I used to be.

Life will continue to throw the same problem over and over again at you until you learn what it wants to teach you. These were the lessons learned in my life, and there is no easy way to become wiser.

I hope to be around to guide and mentor you. You are my shining star and the apple of my eye. Like any mother, I want to protect you from all the hurt, but you will lose your shine by doing so. So go ahead, take a few chances, get injured, scream, learn and unlearn a bit. This is how you are going to grow and shine like a true star.

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